How to mitigate font-related risks with the new Brand and License Protection service.

How to mitigate font-related risks with the new Brand and License Protection service.

Brand fonts

Font licensing

Font management

When it comes to corporate risk management, fonts tend to slip under the radar. Even though fonts are software, with all the attendant license compliance risks, they’re rarely recognized as such. And while most organizations understand that inconsistencies in their logo or brand voice could result in a confusing or fractured brand identity, inconsistent font usage is harder to identify and flag—even though it has the same impact. Complex organizations or those that manage a lot of creative assets tend to have an especially hard time managing these risks because there are more points of failure. With more employees or projects comes more opportunities for font files to travel in and out of a brand environment by printing, sharing, or translating creative assets. And once a problem is uncovered, it’s hard to know where to begin solving it or even who would be best to manage it—IT? Creative teams? Administration?

There’s a new solution for large organizations that need help managing their font risks: the Brand and License Protection service from Monotype. With this new service, we help you maintain font license compliance and brand consistency by proactively monitoring and reporting on your font usage. The service includes a regularly scheduled review to evaluate font usage across your digital footprint.

A key element of the Brand and License Protection service is the regular report we generate for you that contains the findings from our font usage review. We’ll create this report quarterly, yearly, or somewhere in between—whatever you prefer. Inside, you’ll find:

  • All known owned and historical website properties, along with estimated monthly  pageviews for each.
  • All applications published by your organization and their distribution environments.
  • Identified digital marketing campaigns.
  • Details about your active and inactive font contracts with Monotype, including the specific font software you’ve licensed and what types of licenses you have.
  • Any font licenses you’ve purchased online from Monotype.

This report creates a clear snapshot of your font licensing and digital marketing landscape. Reviewing changes in the reports over time can help you pinpoint the root cause of any font problems—like a specific team, vendor, or process that’s responsible for using the incorrect fonts or has insufficient licensing—and resolve the issues for good. Your creative team will have peace of mind that their brand standards are being upheld, your legal team will rest assured that they’re not at risk for a license compliance issue, and your finance team can feel confident that they’re paying for exactly what the organization needs when it comes to fonts—no more, no less.

The Brand and License Protection service is available as an additional service to Monotype Fonts subscribers and is best suited for large, complex organizations or those that manage a significant number of creative assets. To learn more about our Brand and License Protection service, contact our sales team.